- Rent a ride for a Top of the Rockies Great Divide Adventure
- X-Roads BV
Call Mark Bolton for Info: 303-885-6939
Rouge Moto is located in Grand Junction , CO and rents Dual Sport and Adventure Units.
So you want to ride the COBDR the last week of August and were thinking renting a bike may be your easiest option ?
Rogue Moto out of Grand Junction has T7 Yamaha’s set aside for club members.
- Ride to the Ute Casino near the 4 corners on Thursday.
- The club will portage your gear from there.
- Ride the COBDR for 7 days.
- Drop the bike in Grand Junction and Fly home.
- The club has your back on the ride while you enjoy a nice moto vacation.
- You do not need panniers, but you will need a way to transport your gear to the start locale.
- You could purchase camping gear in Cortez if you liked, that the club will portage.
- Rogue Moto will have Garmin’s with our Club Tracks available, and have phone mounts available.
See these Links for More Info on a COBDR Adventure:
- Rent a Bike: https://www.roguemoto.co/#rent-bike
- Plane flights:https://gjairport.com/Airlines_Serving_GJT
- Ride INFO:https://advtours.com/cobdr-adventure/
Call Alex at Rogue Moto for more Info on renting a T7:
- Call Mike at Exit Tours MC with any Questions: 719-649-8530
- Mention Exit Tours @ Rogue Moto
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