OHV Stickers

OHV stickers

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LINK to CO Parks & Wildlife to Purchase a Sticker Online

LINK to Great Divide Rides

Colorado Off-Highway Vechicle Use Permit Requirements

All OHVs and motor vehicles (including motorcycles) that display a valid Colorado or out-of -state license plate must also display a current Colorado OHV use permit sticker when operated on any designated OHV trails in Colorado.

  • All out of state OHVs (including OHVs that display an out of state OHV registration)
  • Must also display a current Colorado OHV use permit sticker.
  • When operated on any designated OHV trails or routes in Colorado.

Visit the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website to read more information on how to purchase OHV registrations and permits.

Ride around Pikes Peak
Ride around Pikes Peak on old Railroad lines

Railroad History you can ride around Pikes Peak LINK

Out-of-state OHVs

Out-of-state residents who bring OHVs into Colorado must purchase a Colorado Non-Resident OHV permit.

  • These permits can be purchased anywhere you get your hunting/fishing licenses in Colorado
  • Via mail-in request,
  • Or you can order one online.

R​​egistration Fees

  • The annual registration fee is $25.25.
  • Registrations are valid from April 1 through March 31 each year.

How to ​​Purchase:

7 Ps
The 7 P’s: Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance


Colorado Parks and Wildlife – Salida Wildlife Service Center

7405 Hwy. 50
Salida, CO 81201

For Out-of-state Residents

Out-of-state residents who bring OHVs into Colorado must purchase a Colorado Non-Resident OHV permit which is valid from the date of purchase through the following March 31.

  • These permits can be purchased anywhere you get your hunting/ fishing licenses in Colorado, via mail-in request, or you can order one online at CPW Shop​ from April through December.
  • Once purchased, this sticker should be placed on​ the vehicle’s outside face of the right front fender or fork.
  • Since this is only a use permit, no renewal notice will be sent to non-resident permit holders.

Where the Money Goes: Benefits of the OHV Program

The Colorado OHV Registration Program fees Fund Trail Maintenance.

  • Construction, trailheads, parking areas, trail signs, maps, and land acquisition.
  • The Fund enables law enforcement personnel to identify and return stolen vehicles.
  • Encourages safe and responsible OHV use, and promotes respect for public lands.
  • Many groups benefit from OHV registration, including:
  • OHV owners and operators
  • Towns and counties that want to attract OHV recreators to enhance their local economies.
  • The general public; educated OHV enthusiasts are more conscientious and better stewards of the land.
  • Registration funds also enable local, state and federal land managers to better manage our natural resources.
  • Annually, this direct benefit to enthusiast’s funds over $4 million in trail opportunities and improvements.

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For an OHV Motorcycle to be ‘Street Legal’ and registered in Colorado it must be inspected by the local Sheriff and have:

• Working Headlight
• Taillight
• Brake Light
• Electric Horn
• DOT Tires
• Mirror (1)
• Registration fees and Taxes paid
• Turn Signals are NOT required