AUGUST 21-28 2025
Place a Deposit to hold your choice of Club held Lodging.
Automatic Billing in July & August with your deposit from We Travel.
LINK to Club Held Lodging Cost on Sign-Up Page
Sign-Up Page
You are only responsible for holding your Lodging at the Ute Casino.
The Club has held Lodging or camping on Days 2-7, fo which you will need to place a deposit on your choice of camping or lodging.
Day 1 in Telluride is the exemption. Camping is Included on Day 1.
You must call the Ute Mtn Casino and say your with Exit Tours on the specified Date (s) to reserve your room with your CC.
Use CODE: TBD For Thursday arrival the 21nd
Use CODE: TBD For Return on the 29th
Start Locale Link on Google Maps:
August 21 Thursday – Arrival
Use the Group Code if you call or Online for the group Discount
Link to Utemountaincasino.com
Breakfast Available at the Hotel
August 22 Day 1 Friday
- Camping Included or get a Hotel in Telluride (Your Choice)
- Breakfast Included with Camping.
- Dinner available in Telluride.
- Or bring your own stuff to BBQ in an Ice Chest the club will portage
- Or use the community Ice Chest

August 23 Day 2 Saturday
- Legacy Lodge near Lake City
- Breakfast Included with Lodging
- Dinner available in Lake City
- Or bring your own stuff to BBQ in an Ice Chest the club portages

August 24 – 25 Ponderosa Lodge Day 3 & Day 4 Rest Day – Sunday& Monday

INFO ONLY for the Ponderosa Lodge on Day 3 & 4
- Lodging Options on Sign-Up Page
- Rest Day on Day 4
- Meals Included
August 26 Day 5 Tuesday
Stay at the Opa’s Place on Sweetwater Canyon
- Lodging & Camping Options on Sign-Up Page
- Private Family Owned Campground
- Glamping Tents & Pop-Ups available
- Creek Fed Swimming Pond
- Meals & Beverages Included

August 27 Day 6 Wednesday
- Stay at the Ladder Ranch on the Wyo/CO border
- Lodging & Camping Choices
- 2 Meals included
August 28 Day 7 Thursday
- Stay at the Ladder Ranch on the Wyo/CO border.
- Lodging & Camping Choices
- 2 Meals included
Link to the Ladderranch.com
- INFO only for the Ladder Ranch
UTE MOUNTAIN CASINO near the 4 Corners Region
August 30 – Ride back to and Stay at the Ute Mtn Casino Friday.
Start Locale Link on Google Maps:
The Colorado Backroads Adventure + will end on Thursday at the Ladder Ranch
- Where we spend the night on day 6 & 7 on the CO/ WYO border.