Vintage group


Vintage Dual Sport

What is Vintage Dual Sport ?

A Vintage Dual Sport is any Non-Current off road or older than 2001 Dual Sport motorcycle that can be plated for the highway and ridden off-road.

Generally speaking, if the item is older than 20 years, it falls under the term vintage...

Vintage Dual Sport 90's DR 350 
Vintage Dual Sport could be a 90’s DR 350


to a 50's Triumph Cub.
50’s Triumph Cub.

A Classic 70’s Yamaha DT 400

’95 KTM LC4

1979 Penton Woodsman
1979 Penton Woodsman


KX 500
Dual Sport KX 500

Dual Sport rides are not competitions. Dual Sport events do not generally have classes.

So a Vintage Dual Sport event would just be a place to show off your Vintage Dual Sport Motorcycle.

X- Roads Buena Vista in Mid-August 2023 will have a Vintage component, if enough guys bring that old bike in the garage ?


  • Ride it, talk about, take pictures or swap parts.
  • If you have a plated Vintage Motorcycle, and it is capable of traversing a few Mountain Passes on 2 track roads and dirt roads, bring it and ride it on the Vintage Loop for a day ?
  • If you need an excuse to to work on that old motorcycle sitting in your garage, a Vintage Dual Sport ride is the perfect excuse to bring that Vintage machine up to snuff.
  • You could conceivably navigate most Dual Sport loops on your Vintage Dual Sport Motorcycle. But would you really want to ?
  • The thinking is to sign-up with your more current Dual Sport, plated dirt bike or your Adventure bike and ride your choice of loops.
  • But bring your Vintage bike along and ride it for a day. Or 2. Or a few hours.


Route to the Alpine Tunnel
Route to the Alpine Tunnel (Clickable)

This route will be slightly modified for X-Roads BV

This loop to the Alpine tunnel with 2 fuel stops we be a fun loop on your Vintage Dual Sport

  • Vintage Dual Sport Loops you could Navigate by GPS Tracks on your phone.
  • Or if you want to stick with the old school theme, you could print, cut  and tape a Roll Chart from the GPS Tracks Cue sheet.


  • What is a Vintage Dual Sport Loop ?
  • A whoop free fun dual sport loop with as little pavement as possible.
  • A 90% dirt road loop with some 2 track sections and some Epic old railroad right-of-way.

The Palisades on the way to the Alpine tunnel

Vintage Honda Transalp

Vintage Adventure bikes could also fit in the mix.

Hodaka Road Toad


  • You could set-up an Ez-Up and Swap Parts of just talk about swapping vintage parts ?
  • Either way, Vintage Dual Sport could be a fun component of a Dual Sport event.
X-Roads in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains
X-Roads Map in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains (Clickable)Bring your Vintage Dual Sport and Road Trip to  X-Roads Buena Vista in Mid-August ’23 ?

X Roads Buena Vista

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Vintage Dual Sport on Facebook
Vintage Dual Sport Group on Facebook

X-Roads BV in the Heart of the Rocky Mtns
Aug 9-15 2023