DUAL SPORT Means Riding 2 – Up

If you want to take your significant other along on a Dual Sport ride, try these tips from some people who ride Dual Sport (2-Up)
Try these 4 inexpensive modifications and take your significant for a 2-Up Dual Sport ride
- Custom Pillion Pad
- Cutoff Backpack
- Set Screws in Passenger Pegs
- Strapped on your luggage rack Fanny Pack

Forward sloping seats are no fun
- A forward sloping seat is no fun for either you or your passenger.
- Purchase some Seat Concepts foam, cut out a piece of the old foam, and have a seat made with a Pillion for the Passenger.
- With Seat Concepts foam and the cushion in back, it’s easy to find your ‘Sweet Spot’.
- And when you don’t have a passenger, the extra height gives you a place to spread out.

Some of us are rather voluptuous…
- It’s a long way for a reach around.
- If you want your passenger to be comfortable, and secure (and who doesn’t), cut the back off of a backpack.
- Or use a Jet Ski Vest.
- Have your passenger hold onto the straps, under your arms or off the front of your shoulders.
- This works great and is a stellar recommendation from Pros.
- Your backpack Must have a strap around the chest.

When things get ugly, and your passenger can’t keep her feet on the pegs, it becomes no fun riding 2-Up.
- Aftermarket Passenger Pegs are almost impossible to find.
- We have found that short set-screws, drilled, tapped and Loctited in place work.
- They offer tremendous gription and work great, without much cost.
- Screw the set-screws from the bottom of the peg.
- So you don’t wear out the Allen head.
- And there is no danger of sharp objects for the drivers legs with set screws.
- Radiused footpegs, even with set screws, can’t provide more “gription” than something with more surface area.

Use the straps from your Fanny Pack, and Zip ties and secure your Fanny Pack to the Luggage Rack.
- Put some foam underneath the pack.
- You cant ride a passenger while wearing a Fanny Pack
- And the pack serves as a bum-stop for the passenger.
Try these 4 modifications and take your significant other for a ride.
- Pillion Pad
- Cutoff Backpack
- Set Screws in Passenger Pegs
- Strapped on Fanny Pack

Riding 2-Up beats riding alone:
- If things do go astray, or when you take a break, you have someone to chat or walk with.
- And share the sights with.
- And you have someone to wear the Backpack.
- And carry the water and spare parts !
- And not wearing a fanny pack is so nice.