Exit Tours Motorcycle Club has engineered multiple rides that criss-cross the Continental Divide and the West.
How many rides do you have on your bucket list ?
- Experience the best trails and the most stunning landscapes our country has to offer.
- Few Stop lights. No traffic.
- You’ll be challenged by the terrain and amazed by the scenery.
Loops are not passable in the winter in Colorado…
- And even in the summer storms can render many passes difficult.
- Which is why the Club hosts rides to Cuba, Baja and in AZ & Nevada, along the San Andreas in California fault in the winter & spring months.
With all the widespread OHV closures…
- Knowing where to go and how to get the best out of your riding day is now more valuable than ever before.
- If you want good challenges, the best balance of roads and trails, incredible scenery, and a fun time, with no work putting it all together, this is it…
Exit Tours MC rides are all Limited Entry club rides:
- Not public events, like races, or most Dual Sport events.
- Any Like-minded enthusiast may participate.
- You do not need an Invitation.
- Ride participation is limited.
- You will not get lost in the crowd.
- Any Like-minded enthusiast is welcome.
Ride your choice of routes at many rides:
- Ride with friends, old or new.
- Ride loops with your own group, or combine with another group of Like-minded enthusiast’s… For even more camaraderie.
- Spend a few days riding some of the best stuff in the West.
- Exit Tours MC’s “High Adventure, No Hassle” Club approach includes plenty of riding.
- Ride routes to iconic destinations you wouldn’t put together on your own.
- Ride with friends, new or old.
Exit Tours Motorcycle Club rides do not include trophies.
- Riders ride at their own pace
- At their own risk
- And always have the option to follow the designated route or to follow another route of their own choosing.
- Exit Tours M/C rides are non-competitive. Non-commercial.
- Paying for the amenities with the ride and not for the ride itself.
- These are recreational club rides for club members only.
- All club rides start and finish on private property.
- Amenities are provided: Such as meals, beverages, t-shirts, gear & fuel portage, staging, parking-meeting arrangements, chase truck & trailer and camping.
By joining the Club and participating riders takes full and sole responsibility for their actions and well-being, without exception.
We recommend leaving early and keeping stops to a minimum.
- You leave when you wish, ride at your own pace and we do not ride in large groups.
- We also highly recommend you come with a friend and be responsible for each other throughout the day.
What is a Competent Rider:
If you have to ask if you can ride your motorcycle over some high mountain 4×4 pass’s and survive…
- You probably don’t have the knowledge or skills to do it.
- People who can do it safely have already informed themselves.
- Based on past experience, and are confident enough in their skills and machinery that they don’t have to ask.
- If you have to ask, don’t do it, even if you have ridden all of the toughest trails in Iowa…