The Top of the Rockies Continental Divide Adventure Ride is 4 days of Adventure riding in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains.
Over 11+ high mountain passes.
Continental Divide Adventure.
The July Ride starts on Friday.
The September Rides starts on Thursday
Camping is Included on Days 1 & 3
If you do not wish to Camp on Days 1 & 3, call Dawn at the Lodge in Poncha Springs (719) 539-6085 or your choice of Lodging in Salida.
- You must call hotels
Stay in Colorado Springs at the Airport Raddison.
Discounted rate at the Raddison Airport Hotel in Colorado Springs
Call and use Code:
Radisson Hotel Colorado Springs Airport
- 1645 Newport Rd
- Colorado Springs, CO 80916
- Phone: (719) 597-7000
Ride HQ on Day 1 is at the Drift-In near Salida on the Big Bend of the Arkansas River.
- Camping at the Drift-In is Included with the Ride
- There is a Bar & Grill onsite. Right on the Arkansas River.
- You need do nothing to camp, other than bring your camping gear the club will portage.
- Breakfast both days is included with camping.
Option on Day 1 & 3 to Lodge at the Lodge at Poncha Springs
At the Crossroads of the Rockies, Hwy’s 50 & 285.
Where Adventure & Cozy Collide.
- < 4 miles from Campground HQ
- Call to Confirm with your CC.
- Friday & Sunday in July
- Thursday & Saturday in Sept.
- Phone: (719) 539-6085
- EMAIL: cozylodgeatponchasprings@
- The Lodge at Poncha Springs
- 10520 Hwy 50 West
- Poncha Springs, CO 8124
DAY 2 Ride HQ on Friday in Sept will be the Columbine Inn in Leadville
Friday in September Columbine Inn. Leadville.
Call the Columbine Inn to reserve your Room
You must call by August 16 to reserve a double queen Room HELD by ‘Exit Tours’
Mention ‘Exit Tours’ when calling 719-486-5650
Columbine Inn website LINK.
Do Not reserve online
DAY 3 Ride HQ
Meet at the ‘Star’ in Long Term Parking at the COS Airport by 7:30 Am.
On Friday July 5 and Thursday the 4th in September.
- Colorado Springs Airport – COS
- 7770 Milton E Proby Pkwy
- Colorado Springs, CO 80916
The Radisson is a Choice properties.
Join Choice Privileges and get more from each stay.