Where the Fun Begins:
X-Roads BV in mid-August.
There isn’t a checkered flag at the end of a Dual Sport Ride. The Fun starts when you arrive.
X-Roads BV is a 6 Day club motorcycle ride in the Heart of the Rockies. On over 40 Singletrack, Dual Sport & Adventure loops.
Show up on Thursday and ride until Wednesday for a true 6 Day Rocky Mountain riding vacation.
- Singletrack Trailrides over the best Singletrack in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains.
- Most Dual Sport loops are day long rides that include a mixed bag of elements: A little bit of pavement, dirt roads, 2 track, single-track, technical mountain passes. A true mixture of all 5.
- Epic true Adventure rides over multiple mountain passes, dirt roads, twisty pavement and 2 Track. You could drive your Mom’s Subaru over these routes.
- We don’t start off at an OHV staging area, but at the Private River Park Mine 3 miles from downtown Buena Vista. Right in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains.

The Private River Park mine sits on 124 acres, with tree lined creeks, private Arkansas River access and fishing. Plenty of room to camp & stage for the largest RVs, with private campsites towards the river.
Almost all of the loops start on the pavement, hence the need for a plate…
- Every morning we will have 2 riders’ meetings, at 7 & 8 am. You’ll only need to attend one of those meetings. Then the real fun begins.
- Choose your route from the choice of 40 plus, sign-out on said route, hook up with your buddies, new or old, reset your odometer on the way out, and hit the route.
- We discourage riding in large groups, any more than 6 and you’ll spend too much time waiting.
- With 40+ routes to choose from, none of the routes will be too crowded.
After a while, it will be getting clearer that the route you are taking is the reason you’re here.
Gorgeous views, high mountains, epic passes over those high mountains, creek crossing, rocks, downhills, uphill’s, pine trees and the fresh mountain air.
This is why we are in the Rocky Mountains. That and the Camaraderie around the bonfire, and of course the bench-racing. Fun has taken precedence. Nothing else seems to matter at the moment… if it’s about the experience.
X-Roads BV in the Heart of the Rockies will take place from mid August at the Crossroads of the Rockies in Buena Vista, Colorado. Off of Hwy 24 &285 on Trout Creek Pass.
More Info here: Exittours.org or https://advtours.com/x-roads-buena-vista/
- The Club uses Ride With GPS as our mapping and GPS software.
- RWGPS Club membership is included.
- RWGPS works on Android and Apple phones, so you won’t need any special navigation device.
Routes and maps are emailed prior to the ride so you have an idea what you want to ride before the fun begins. MORE INFO on RWGPS: https://advtours.com/navigation-safety/