Ride HQ is the Best Western Rancho Grande on the edge of downtown Wickenburg, AZ.
Ride whatever you want to ride, Dual Sport, Singletrack or Adventure. This part of Arizona has some of the Best Trails and Adventure riding in the Country.
- Smooth dirt roads, challenging singletrack, ridge tops & uphill, and downhills.
- Rocks galore.
- You could also if you desired turn the Adventure rides into a TT. (Tavern to Tavern)
- The Wick should prove to be a fun weekend in the Bradshaw Mountains of Central Arizona.
- With nice weather in March.
- Sign-In and the start will be on Thursday.
- Any Like-minded enthusiast can join this club ride.
- Just Sign-Up and you are in.
- The Club will email phone-compatible GPS Tracks, 2 weeks before the ride date.
- You must have a way to hold and charge your phone.
- An old phone without a contract will work.
- You just need an email address and Wi-Fi to make the phone work.
- GPS tracks still work on old phones.
Navigation is on unmarked routes with GPS Tracks.
- Buddy up with a friend, new or old, and head out whenever you like on a wide variety of loops for 4 days.
- Challenging or easy Dual Sport, technical Singletrack, or fun longer Adventure loops.
- Since you are riding with GPS tracks, there is no official start time.
- Ride whichever loop you choose with whoever you want to ride with.

- The Club asks that you Sign-out when you leave and Sign back in on your return.
- On Thursday there are several shorter warm-up loops you could ride.
- The Club will have a BBQ and drinks at the staging area, so after you have finished riding on Thursday, come back and hang out near the Pool and Benchrace.
- Or don’t ride on Thursday and just hang out with like-minded enthusiasts.

Thursday and Friday Night we’ll do a short night ride on Desert roads and cross the Hassayampa River.
- If you’ve never done a night ride with a group, you’ve got to try it.
- Night Rides are bound to bring a smile to your face.
Friday morning suit up and try to get out before 9 AM.
- We’ll have riders meeting at 8:00 AM.
- There are several 50-60 mile challenging singletrack loops.
- Dual Sport loops from 40 to 80 miles.
- And the 101-mile Marquee Loop to the Crown King Saloon.

If an Adventure ride is your thing, you could turn a 260-mile ride into a 2-day ride and spend Friday night in Historic Jerome, AZ.

- Or ride an ADV loop to the Crown King Saloon on Friday.
- Friday night the club will buy everyone a drink at a Saloon across the street from the Ride HQ.
- Dinner is on you at a selection of fine restaurants and bars, all with-in easy walking distance.
Saturday ride another loop of your choice.
In ’22 we made the Marquee loop to the Crown King Saloon a Group Dual Sport ride.
- It’s up to you what you want to do each day.
- More challenging Singletrack, an easy or Rocky Dual Sport loops, or just fun ADV rides.
- Saturday night the club will host a BBQ and Supercross viewing Party in a small park in the back of the hotel, with a bonfire.
- And beers.
Sunday there are still be more loops for you to conquer.

- Or if you’ve had enough challenge, there is a real fun ride to an old mill and mines to explore.
- On a relatively easy 32-mile roundtrip loop to the Anderson Mill.
- This old mill will remind you of something out of the Movie Mad Max, the way it is cobbled together.

See this Sign-Up link to Sign-Up.

The Wick is a Limited Entry Club ride.
Sign-Up is open for a $75 dollar deposit to hold your spot.

Photo Share file from ’24 LINK
Photo Share file from ’23 LINK
Photo Share File from ’22 LINK