Description of the Divide Adventure Ride.
- Ride from and to the Colorado Springs Airport.
- Ride over 11+ Mountain Passes in the Heart of the Rockies
- 4 Days, 3 nights and over 750+ miles of Adventure bike friendly terrain you could drive your wife’s Subaru over.
- If you rode all the long loops, you would ride 834 Miles and Gain 80,807 feet in elevation.
- If you rode all the short loops, you would ride 734 Miles and gain 68,096 feet in elevation.
- The only real pavement sections are getting out and back to the Airport in Colorado Springs, Independence and Cottonwood Passes.

- The ride starts from the secure Colorado Springs Airport and returns 4 days later.
- This is not a Guided ride.
- You follow Phone Compatible Ride with GPS Tracks.
- Ride with who you want to. New Buddies or old.
- Leave when you wish, though typically the Club likes to see everyone on the trail by 9 AM.
- The Ride includes Gear Portage so you may ride unencumbered.
- Park your truck at the secure Colorado Springs airport.
This ride from Colorado Springs uses almost every old Railroad right-of-way in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains.

Example of old Railroads the Divide Rides uses:
- Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek & Victor
- Florence & Cripple Creek
- Denver & Rio Grande Western
- Colorado Midland
- Denver, South Park & Pacific
- All of these old Railroad lines are now dirt roads.
- They are all a steady grade, most include turn of century tunnels, and all are a complete hoot to ride.

- We are not out to torture anyone.
- This is just a Fun Adventure Ride with as much off-road as possible.
- The Ride on the Divide is a low-key, high adventure, no hassle Club ride.
- In the Heart of the Rocky Mountains.
- Includes proven phone compatible GPS Tracks.
- Gear Portage.
- 2 nights camping.
- Some meals and a Chase Truck.
- 1 Night Lodging in Leadville is on you.

Ride over 11+ Mountain Passes you’ve probably heard about:
- Victor Pass*
- Trout Creek Pass
- Weston Pass
- Independence Pass*
- Hagerman Pass
- Mosquito Pass**
- Weston Pass*
- Cottonwood Pass*
- Cumberland Pass
- Waunita Pass
- Blacksage Pass
- Old Monarch Pass
- Monarch Pass*
- Marshall Pass
- Ute Pass*
- Pikes Peak (Not a Pass)*
** Challenging Alternate Challenge
The concept for the ADV Ride on the Divide is to make it easy for you do enjoy riding over mountain passes on the Continental Divide for 4 days in the Heart of the Rockies.
- The Club will portage your gear.
- So you may ride unencumbered
- Supply a chase truck and trailer.
- Buy a few meals. Breakfast on the Arkansas river, Steak Dinner in Leadville.
- Furnish over 750 miles of phone compatible proven GPS Tracks.
- Campsites are included with Club membership for the ADV Ride on the Divide.
- Lodging is on you in Leadville and Colorado Springs.
The ride will start and finish from secure parking at the Colorado Springs Airport Long-term parking lot.
- A discount for lodging at the COS Airport Radisson Hotel is available.
- Rooms have been held near the Campground on the Arkansas river
- And in Leadville at the Silverkings.
- Or your free to find your own Lodging in Salida on day 1 & 3
- Lodge in Leadville on Day 2
Ride over 11+ Mountain Passes in 4 days.
- 8 + unpaved passes.
- This is a a creative unpublished route from and to Colorado Springs
Day 1 around the east and south side of Pikes Peak over dirt Goldcamp Road to Victor Pass.
- Through the old Gold mining town of Victor.
- Down dirt Phantom Canyon road to the Arkansas River.

- Canon City over dirt roads to the old Railroad stop that was in Cotopaxi for lunch and fuel.
- Through the high mountain plains on dirt roads to Salida on Friday to end day 1.
- Where we can spend the night at a private campsite on the Arkansas river.
- With a Bar & Grill.
- Enjoy a campfire and the camaraderie of Like-minded enthusiasts.
- Or you could stay at the Poncha Springs Lodge.
Day 2 the ride starts off with a nice ride along the Arkansas River.
- Then to Smeltertown and it’s historic Smokestack.
- From the historic site, we’ll ride past old mines to the Aspen Ridge dirt Jeep Road.
- On top of the Mosquito Range to more dirt sections on Trout Creek Pass.
- Ride up an old RR right-of-way to the top of Trout Creek Pass.
- Heading up and over Weston Pass.
- Weston Pass was known as the road to riches when it was a stagecoach line to Leadville. Before the Railroads.
- There is also an option to skip Weston Pass if your going to ride Mosquito Pass on Day 3.
- The Mosquito Pass loop uses Weston Pass to get back to the Arkansas River Valley. Why ride it twice ?
- From Weston Pass, ride up to and past the Twin Lakes.
- Then up and over paved 12k foot Independence Pass.
- The 3rd highest paved Pass in the Country
- To Aspen for lunch in the Colorado River watershed.
- From Aspen we’ll take a creative route down the Roaring Fork Valley.
- To up along the Roaring Fork River to the Hagerman Pass Jeep road.
- Hagerman Pass is the last high Pass on the COBDR.

- We’ll follow more old Railroad Right-of-ways
- Loop around Turquoise Lake with some off-road to Leadville.
- In Leadville we will stay at the Historic Delaware Hotel.
- And the club will buy Dinner at the local Steak House, Quincey’s.
On Day 3 you have 2 options.
- A Hero Loop over 13 thousand foot Mosquito Pass.*

- Or ride off-road some fun little used 2 track down a pipeline Right of way to the Twin Lakes.
- Then ride down old Railroad lines along the Arkansas river to Buena Vista.
- *If you choose to ride the Hero loop over Mosquito Pass, you would come over Weston Pass again and tie-in on the old RR route along the River to Buena Vista.

- From Buena Vista, ride over Paved Cottonwood Pass
- To an off-road section to near the old mining town of Tincup.
- From the town of Tincup ride over dirt Cumberland Pass to a lunch and fuel stop…
- In the old Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad town of Pitkin.
- Then head over dirt Waunita and Blacksage Passes to dirt the Old Monarch Pass road.
- Down paved Monarch Pass to the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad town of Sargents.
- From Sargents head up and over the Divide on Marshall Pass, the first Railroad line in these parts over the Continental Divide.
- Dirt Marshall Pass and Marshall Pass road back to our campsite from Day 1 on the Arkansas River.
- Dinner & Breakfast is Included at Drift-In on the river.
- You could again lodge in Poncha Springs if camping isn’t your thing.
Day 4, after Breakfast we will head out dirt Ute Pass towards the west side of Pikes Peak.

- Stop at the historic Smeltertown Smokestack
- Ride through some awesome scenary on high plains.
- Ride off-road down to the South Platte River and the old 11 Mile Canyon Midland Railroad right-of-way.
- From Lake George, head into some locals only dirt roads on our way to the town of Divide and Woodland Park.

- From Woodland Park we’ll take the long dirt Rampart Range road down to the Garden of the Gods park.
- From GoG you have the option of riding up to the top of 14k foot Pikes Peak.

- From Manitou Springs we’ll take more old Railroad right-of-way to Cheyenne Canyon and head back to the airport.
4 days, 11+ Mountain Passes, 750+ miles, approx 4 stop lights all weekend.
- If that sounds like fun:
- Club membership for the 4 Day DIVIDE RIDE is only $425.
- Go to this page for more Info:
- https://advtours.com/continental-divide-adv-ride/

- Facebook Link ADV Ride on the Divide
This Ride is a low-key, high adventure, no hassle Adventure Motorcycle club ride on the Continental Divide