LINK to CO Parks & Wildlife to Purchase a Sticker Online

Colorado Off-Highway Vechicle Use Permit Requirements
All OHVs and motor vehicles (including motorcycles) that display a valid Colorado or out-of -state license plate must also display a current Colorado OHV use permit sticker when operated on any designated OHV trails in Colorado.
- All out of state OHVs (including OHVs that display an out of state OHV registration)
- Must also display a current Colorado OHV use permit sticker.
- When operated on any designated OHV trails or routes in Colorado.
Visit the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website to read more information on how to purchase OHV registrations and permits.

Railroad History you can ride around Pikes Peak LINK
Out-of-state OHVs
Out-of-state residents who bring OHVs into Colorado must purchase a Colorado Non-Resident OHV permit.
- These permits can be purchased anywhere you get your hunting/fishing licenses in Colorado
- Via mail-in request,
- Or you can order one online.
Registration Fees
- The annual registration fee is $25.25.
- Registrations are valid from April 1 through March 31 each year.
How to Purchase:
- You may purchase your OHV Sticker at various OHV dealers.
- or any Colorado Parks and Wildlife office.
- View the OHV Registration Agent Locations List to find the nearest location.
- You can order one online.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife – Salida Wildlife Service Center
For Out-of-state Residents
Out-of-state residents who bring OHVs into Colorado must purchase a Colorado Non-Resident OHV permit which is valid from the date of purchase through the following March 31.
- These permits can be purchased anywhere you get your hunting/ fishing licenses in Colorado, via mail-in request, or you can order one online at CPW Shop from April through December.
- Once purchased, this sticker should be placed on the vehicle’s outside face of the right front fender or fork.
- Since this is only a use permit, no renewal notice will be sent to non-resident permit holders.
Where the Money Goes: Benefits of the OHV Program
The Colorado OHV Registration Program fees Fund Trail Maintenance.
- Construction, trailheads, parking areas, trail signs, maps, and land acquisition.
- The Fund enables law enforcement personnel to identify and return stolen vehicles.
- Encourages safe and responsible OHV use, and promotes respect for public lands.
- Many groups benefit from OHV registration, including:
- OHV owners and operators
- Towns and counties that want to attract OHV recreators to enhance their local economies.
- The general public; educated OHV enthusiasts are more conscientious and better stewards of the land.
- Registration funds also enable local, state and federal land managers to better manage our natural resources.
- Annually, this direct benefit to enthusiast’s funds over $4 million in trail opportunities and improvements.
For an OHV Motorcycle to be ‘Street Legal’ and registered in Colorado it must be inspected by the local Sheriff and have:
• Working Headlight
• Taillight
• Brake Light
• Electric Horn
• DOT Tires
• Mirror (1)
• Registration fees and Taxes paid
• Turn Signals are NOT required