Salida to around Pike peaks to Overnight in Cripple Creek or Victor. 325+ mile loop
2 Day loop from Salida to Victor Around Pikes Peak
325 miles. Clockwise. Salida to Smeltertown. Ute Pass to the South Platte River and 11 Mile Canyon. To Florissant. To Trout Creek to Woodland Park. To the Rampart Range road to Garden of the Gods. To Old Colorado City. Gold Camp Road to Victor. Overnight in Victor.
Day 2 down Phantom Canyon to Canon City. Temple Canyon Park to Cotopaxi. To Ute Pass. To Downtown Salida.
Outstanding Views on this awesome loop. Little used roads.
Stay at historic Hotel Victor Saturday night in Historic Victor.
Club will reserve rooms and purchase dinner Saturday Night.
Join the Club as an associate member for only $299 for this stellar Adventure ride.